MeshTray Configuration Tab
The Configuration Tab is used to set the parameters for Geo Mode, Channel Mapping, Priority
Level, and Addressing Scheme settings.
Figure 50. MeshTray Configuration Tab

Geo Position

If Geo-Position has been enabled on the WMC6300 (check the licensing options for your
network devices), the Geo-Position option will be selectable and the user may configure the
reporting interval as shown in Figure 50. Otherwise, the Geo-Position box will be grayed out.

Reporting Interval

If Enhanced Geo has been enabled on the WMC6300, the user will be able to set the reporting
interval in seconds for updating the Geo Position data for longitude and latitude or X, Y, Z
positions for the Spherical Coordinate option to be displayed on the Geo Position tab.

Server IP Address

The Server IP Address is the address where the geo position is forwarded or reported to.
Typically, this is a centralized server that displays the position of all devices on the network.