There are three Host device addressing schemes that allow the Network Administrator
increased flexibility in deployment.
Figure 53. MeshTray Configuration Tab Addressing Scheme
Network DHCP Addressing Scheme
Network DCHP requires that the user's host device be configured to request an address from a
DHCP server and the inclusion of a DHCP server in the core network configuration to answer
these requests. With Network DHCP selected, the network device will forward any DHCP
requests to the core network once it becomes associated and establishes communications with
the infrastructure.
The DHCP server may be configured by the Network Administrator to hand out temporary or
static leases. The user must associate and acquire an address from the network before
establishing communications. Once a lease has been granted, the address may be dragged out
of network coverage for the remainder of the lease or, if a static lease was granted, until the
next power cycle. If the lease expires or the user cycles power while outside of network
coverage, the user will lose the ability to communicate.
This scheme is best for a larger, closely managed network of subscribers who need inside the
network coverage and only brief outside of network coverage.