Chapter 4 - V.22bis Commands
V.22bis Error Control and Data
Compression Commands
+ESR Selective Repeat
Decimal number 0 specifying that SREJ is not used.
Reporting Current or Selected Values:
Command: +ESR?
Response: +ESR: <value>
Example: +ESR: 0 For default setting
+ETBM Call Termination Buffer Management
Syntax +ETBM=[<pending_TD>[,<pending_RD>[,<timer>]]]
Defined Values
<pending_TD> | Decimal number 0 specifying that disconnect will occur immediately and all buffered transmit data |
| will be discarded when the local DTE requests call disconnection. |
<pending_RD> | Decimal number 0 specifying that disconnect will occur immediately and all buffered receive data |
| will be discarded when the local DTE requests call disconnection. |
<timer> | Decimal number 0 specifying that the modem will not attempt to deliver the buffered data before |
| abandoning the attempt and discarding remaining data. |
Reporting Current or Selected Values
Command: +ETBM?
Response: +ETBM: <pending_TD>,<pending_RD>,<timer>
Example: +ETBM: 0,0,0
Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values
Command: +ETBM=?
Response: +ETBM: (<pending_TD> range),(<pending_RD> range),(<timer> range)
Example: +ETBM: (0),(0),(0)
\B Transmit Break to Remote
In error correction mode, the modem will signal a break through the active error correction protocol, giving no indication of the length.
Syntax | \B<value> |
Defined Values | |
<value> | Decimal number corresponding to the selected option. |
Break length in 100 ms units. (Default = 3.) |
Result Codes
OK If connected in data modem mode NO CARRIER If not connected.
Note: When the modem receives a break from the remote modem, break is passed to the DTE as follows: In non- error correction mode direct, the break length is passed; in
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