Chapter 5 - AT Commands, S-Registers, and Error Codes
S5 Backspace character
Description Defines what ASCII character is used for backspace.
Value Meaning
0-255 The ASCII value used for the backspace character. The default value is 8 which
corresponds to an ASCII <BS>.
S7 No Carrier timeout
Description S7 specifies the time to wait for carrier before hanging up and return NO CARRIER.
Value Meaning
0-255 The time to wait for carrier in seconds. The default value is 60. A value of 0 disables
checking for carrier.
S10 Lost carrier disconnect time
Description S10 specifies the time in tenths of a second before the modem hangs up in the case
of lost carrier.
Value Meaning
0-255 The time to wait before a loss of carrier causes the modem to hang ups. The default
value is 10 (1 second).
A value of 0 disables the checking for lost carrier.
S12 Escape sequence guard time
Description S12 specifies the maximum time in fiftieths of a second that can elapse between the
individual characters in the escape sequence to consider it valid.
Value Meaning
0-255 Maximum time between escape characters. The default value is 50 (1 second).
A value of 0 disables the guard time detection.
S14 Configuration bitmap
Description S14 is a bitmapped register that controls a wide range of modem properties:
Bit Default Meaning
0 N.A. Not used
1 1 Command echo.
A value of 0 means that echo disabled and corresponds to ATE0 .
A value of 1 means that echo enabled and corresponds to ATE1 .
2 0 Quiet mode.
A value of 0 means that the modem sends result codes and corresponds to
A value of 1 means that the modem do not send result codes and
corresponds to ATQ1 .
3 1 Result codes.
A value of 0 means that the modem sends numeric result codes and
corresponds to ATV0 .
A value of 1 means that the modem sends text responses and corresponds
tO ATV1 .
4 N.A. Not used
5 N.A. Not used
6 N.A. Not used
7 0 Answer/Originate.
A value of 0 means answer mode and a value of 1 means originate mode.