DANGER - Loading & Unloading the Roller
DANGER! ALWAYS load and unload the roller on Level, Hard Ground, or Pavement. Serious injury or death can result from improper loading, lifting or unloading. Use extreme caution!
■The roller has an operating weight of approximately 3,088 lbs. (1,400 Kg). Use lifting equipment capable of lifting this weight.
■ALWAYS check the roller's lifting hooks. Before lifting or transporting the roller, lock the frame with the locking bar that is provided. Make sure the hooks are secure and tight before lifting the machine.
■When driving the roller onto a transporting vehicle or trailer, use ramps or other suitable material of sufficient strength to support the roller.
■Remove mud, oil, ice, snow or any other slippery materials from the ramps and bed of the vehicle to avoid accidents.
■After loading, apply the parking brake.
■Use a chain, binders or other suitable means to firmly secure the roller before transporting.
■Only use the lifting points for the roller that are clearly marked as “lifting point ”.
■NEVER apply chains through the articulating section of the roller. The chain could cause damage by scoring the hydraulic steering cylinder.
■NEVER stand below roller when it is being lifted.
■ALWAYS know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher.
■ALWAYS know the location of the nearest and first aid kit.
■In emergencies always know the location of the nearest phone or keep a phone on the job site. Also know the phone numbers of the nearest ambulance, doctor and fire department. This information will be invaluable in the case of an emergency.
DANGER - Transporting Safety
DO NOT allow personnel to stand under or near any suspended machine. Serious injury or death may result.
PAGE 10 — AR13D