The stove must be secured to the floor of the mobile home.
Do not install this stove in a bedroom/sleeping room. Do not install the stove in any way that might compromise the structural integrity of the mobile home floor, walls, ceiling, or roof.
Connect the stove to a chimney system using a
l i s t e d | d o u b l e | w a l l | SOLINDETOIT |
connector with a minimum | POURMAISONMOBIL | ||
clearance rating of 12” or | ÉCRANDEPROTECTIO | ||
less. Use chimney system | |||
| |||
l i s t e d t o | U L C S 6 2 9 i n | CEILINGSUPPORT | |
Canada or UL103HT in the | TRIMCOLLAR | ||
USA. |
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| ||
T h e c h i m n e y m u s t b e | STOVEBOLTED | ||
| ||
installed | in accordance |
| |
with the | manufacturer ’s |
| |
i n s t r u c t i o n s . U s e o n l y |
| ||
specified components with | HEARTHPAD | ||
| |||
n o s u b s t i t u t i o n s . T h e |
| ||
chimney and pipe must |
| ||
e x t e n d a t l e a s t 8 f e e t | OUTSIDEAIRCONNECTIONTHROUGH | ||
above the stove and 3 feet | |||
above the highest point of
the roof. Install a rain cap at the top which will not impede the smoke exhaust. The chimney must be supported at the ceiling or roof so that its weight does not rest on the stove.
It must be installed between ceiling joists, with radiation shield and roof flashing, so that the structural strength, insulation and waterproof qualities of the home are not lessened. Seal with silicone to maintain a vapour barrier at the chimney and outside air pipe penetrations.
Outside air / Floor Securing
Connecting the stove’s air intake to the outside as well as securing the unit to the floor, is mandatory in mobile homes only. Use a fresh air kit and the floor securing brackets.
Avoid cutting away floor joists, wall studs, electrical wires or plumbing. Seal around the outside pipe with insulation to prevent drafts.
If room air starvation occurs because the fresh air intake is blocked with ice, leaves, etc., or because the stove door was left open, or due to a strong exhaust fan operating etc., dangerous fumes and smoke from the operating stove could be drawn into the room.
113KT 1600C-1 Adaptor Kit Intallation
When installing the
Remove the two screws from the bottom of the unit and install the two floor securing brackets using the two screws removed.
Install the vent connector by inserting the stud retainer into the hole in the bottom of the fireplace. Position the retainer so that the studs come through the holes indicated.
Hold the retainer in place and align the holes in the vent connector with the studs of the retainer.
Secure the vent connector in place using the 2 nuts supplied. Secure the unit to the floor using the securing brackets and the two #10x1.5" screws supplied.