Leak Tesng Instrucons
WARNING! A leak test must be performed annually and each me a cylinder is hooked up or if a part
of the gas system is replaced.
WARNING! Never use an open ame to check for gas leaks. Be certain no sparks or open ames are
in the area while you check for leaks. Sparks or open ames will result in a re or explosion, damage to
property, serious bodily injury, or death.
Leak tesng: This must be done before inial use, annually, and whenever any gas components are replaced
or serviced. Do not smoke while performing this test, and remove all sources of ignion. See Leak Tesng
Diagram for areas to check. Turn all burner controls to the o posion. Turn gas supply valve on.
Brush a half-and-half soluon of liquid soap and water onto all joints and connecons of the regulator, hose,
manifolds and valves.
Bubbles will indicate a gas leak. Either ghten the loose joint or have the part replaced with one recommended
by the Napoleon Customer Care department and have the grill inspected by a cered gas installer.
If the leak cannot be stopped, immediately shut o the gas supply, disconnect it, and have the grill inspected
by a cered gas installer or dealer. Do not use the grill unl the leak has been corrected.
BUILT IN NATURAL GAS HOOK-UP: The piping up to the gas grill is the responsibility of the installer and piping
should be located as shown in the built-in instrucons. A exible metal connector is included to simplify the
installaon of the unit. Connect this connector to the are ng on the end of the manifold. Connect the
other end of the connector to the gas piping. Ensure that the connector does not pass through a wall, oor,
ceiling or paron, and is protected from damage. Do not use a hose to connect the unit. It must be con
with rigid pipe, copper tube or an approved exible metal connector which complies with Z21.4 /CSA 6.10.
The installaon must comply with CAN B149.1 Natural Gas and Propane Installaon Code in Canada, or to the
Naonal Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 in the United States. The gas supply pipe must be suciently sized to
supply the BTU/h specied on the rang plate, based on the length of the piping run. If installing a side burner,
a separate line must be branched o to the side burner unit and enter the side burner opening at the specied
WARNING! Built in units are supplied with a drip pan which holds only a minimal amount of grease.
To prevent grease res, the pan must be cleaned aer each use.
WARNING! Access must be provided to the inside of the enclosure to make gas connecons.
DANGER! Read all instrucons carefully before operang the grill. Failure to follow these instrucons
exactly could result in a re causing serious injury or death. The enre installaon must be leak tested
before operang the grill.