Chapter 1 Routing Signals with Your NI2501/2503
NI 2501/2503 User Manual 1-4
National Instruments Corporation
Connecting SignalsThis section describes the signal connections to the NI 2501/2503 module
via the module front connector. This section also includes specifications
and connection instructions for the signals on the NI 2501/2503 module
Caution Static electricity is a major cause of component failure. To prevent damage to the
electrical components in the module, observe antistatic precautions whenever
removing a module from the chassis or whenever working on a module.
Front Connector
The pinout assignments for the NI 2501/2503 front connector vary
depending on the wiring mode you use. The following four diagrams show
the pin assignments for two-wire mode, one-wire mode, four-wire mode,
and matrix mode, respectively. Two-wire mode is shown first because it is
the most common configuration. Table1-1, following th e diagrams,
describes the connector signals. For more information on the wiring modes,
refer to the Multiplexer section in Chapter2, NI 2501/2503 Op eration.
Warning Any connections that exceed the maximum settings for the NI 2501/2503 can
result in anelectrical shock hazard and damage to the NI 2501/2503 module and
any or all of the boards connected to the PXI backplane. National Instruments
is NOT liable for any damages or injuries resulting from exceeding maximum
voltage ratings. Refer to AppendixA, Specifications, for info r mation.