NI 2501/2503 User Manual I-2
National Instruments Corporation
front connector
pinout assignments
four-wire mode (figure), 1-7
matrix mode (figure), 1-8
one-wire mode (figure), 1-6
overview, 1-4
two-wire mode (figure), 1-5
signal descriptions (table), 1-9
FTP support, F-1
GGND signal (table), 1-9
Iinitiating scanning, 2-8
input characteristics
NI 2501, A-1
NI 2503, A-5
I/O connector blocks
TBX-68LP, B-1
TBX-68LPR, B-1
TBX-68S, 1-3, B-1
LLabVIEW software, 1-11
LabWindows/CVI software, 1-11
Mmatrix mode, 1-8, 2-5
maximum voltage (note), 1-2
modes of operation, 2-7
multicard triggering, 2-8
multiplexer, 2-4to 2-5
four-wire, 2-5
matrix mode, 2-5
one-wire, 2-4
two-wire, 2-4
NNational Instruments application
NI 2501/2503. See also operation of
NI2 501/2503.
accessories, B-1
architecture drawings, D1to D-3
block diagrams
NI 2501 module, 2-2
NI 2503 module, 2-3
common questions, E-1to E-2
customizing, C1to C-2
features, 1-1 to1-2
functional overview, 2-1
maximum voltage (note), 1-2
overview, 1-1to1-2
signal connections, 1-4 to1-9
software choices, 1-10to 1-11
NI 2501, A-1 toA-4
NI 2503, A-5 toA-7
NI-SWITCH driver software, 1-10, E-1to E-2
Oone-wire multiplexer, 1-6, 2-4
operation of NI 2501/2503, 2-1 to2-8
block diagrams
NI 2501 module, 2-2
NI 2503 module, 2-3
functional overview, 2-1
multiplexer, 2-4to 2-5
PXI interface, 2-6to 2-8
initiating scanning, 2-8
multicard triggering, 2-8
triggers, 2-6 to2-7
random scanning, 2-5 to2-6
switch control circuitry, 2-5