National Instruments Corporation G-3 NI 2501/2503 User Manual
external trigger a voltage pulse from an external source that triggers an event such as
A/D conversion
FET Field Effect Transistor
handshaking the use of two trigger lines between two instruments, such as a switch and
a DMM, to synchronize their actions
Hz hertz—the number of scans read or updates written per second
in. inches
I/O input/output—the transfer of data to/from a computer system involving
communications channels, operator interface devices, and/or data
acquisition and control interfaces
Intelligent Virtual
Instrument an advanced architecture for instrument drivers that includes features such
as simulation and state caching
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
IVI See Intelligent Virtual Instrument.
MB megabytes of memory
matrix superset of multiplexer; consists of connected rows and columns that
allows for a direct connection from any row to any column
movistor transient suppression device