Chapter 1 Introduction
VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Windows 95/NT 1-2
National Instruments Corporation
❑Monitor with VGA or better resolution
❑National Instruments software media for the VXI/VMEpc 600 Series
The NI-VXI/VISA software is already installed on your VXI/VMEpc-650
computer. It is also included on disk in the event that you need to reinstall
your software. For installation instructions, please refer to Appendix C,
Reinstalling the NI-VXI/VISA Software.
Hardware DescriptionThe VXI/VMEpc 600 Series models are B-size embedded computers based
on x86 processor architecture and on thePeripheral Component Interface
(PCI) bus. These computers are high-performance, easy-to-use platforms
for controlling VXIbus or VMEbus systems, featuring complete VXI and
VME functionality through interactive utilities and C function calls.
Theseembedded computers can take advantage of the VXI/VME
high-performance backplane capabilities and give you direct control of
VXI/VME registers, memory, interrupts, and triggers.
All models in the VXI/VMEpc 600 Series are fully VXIplug&play
compliant and can be used with PC-compatible software tools, the
NationalInstruments LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI application
software, and the NI-VXI, NI-VISA, and NI-488.2 bus interface software.
For in-depth details on the VXI/VMEpc 600 Series hardware—including
a description of the differences between the various models in their
respective series—refer to the VXI/VMEpc 600 Series User Manual.
Software DescriptionNI-VXI is the name of the VXI/VME bus control library for your
VXI/VMEpc 600 Series. You can create applications using NI-VXI to
control your VXI and VME devices. NI-VXI gives you complete
VXI/VME functionality, including an API for performing basic VXI/VME
data transfers and handling VXI/VME interrupts as well as VXI-specific
functionality, such as doing message-based communication and handling
VXIbus triggers.
NI-VISA is the National Instruments implementation of the VISA
specification. VISA is a uniform API for communicating and controlling
Serial, GPIB, VXI, and VME instruments. This API aids in the creation of
more portable applications and instrument drivers.