National Instruments Corporation G-5 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Windows 95/NT
KKB kilobytes of memory
LLED light-emitting diode
logical address An 8-bit number that uniquely identifies each VXIbus device in a system.
It defines the A16 register address of a device, and indicates Commander
and Servant relationships.
Mmaster A functional part of a VME/VXIbus device that initiates data transfers on
the backplane. A transfer can be either a read or a write.
MB megabytes of memory
MBD Message-Based Device
message-based device An intelligent device that implements the defined VXIbus registers and
communication protocols. These devices are able to use Word Serial
Protocol to communicate with one another through communication
MITE A National Instruments custom ASIC, a sophisticated dual-channel DMA
controller that incorporates the Synchronous MXI and VME64 protocols to
achieve high-performance block transfer rates
NNI-488 or NI-488.2 The National Instruments software for GPIB systems
NI-DAQ The National Instruments software for data acquisition instruments
NI-VISA The National Instruments implementation of the VISA standard; an
interface-independent software that provides a unified programming
interface for VXI, GPIB, and serial instruments
NI-VXI The National Instruments bus interface software for VME/VXIbus systems