Chapter 1 Introduction
VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Windows 95/NT 1-4
National Instruments Corporation
• NI-VISA for Windows 95/NT—This is a 32-bit driver designed for
Windows 95/NT. Note that for VME and VXI support, the NI-VXI
driver must be installed. You can use this driver to develop and run
32-bit applications for Windows 95/NT.
National Instruments Application SoftwareYour VXI/VMEpc 600 Series kit comes with the NI-VXI/VISA bus
interface software already installed for you. In addition, you can use the
National Instruments LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI application
programs and instrument drivers to ease your programming tasks. These
standardized programs match the modular virtual instrument capability of
VXI/VME and can reduce your VXI/VME software development time.
These programs are fully VXIplug&play compliant and feature extensive
libraries of VXI instrument drivers written to take full advantage of direct
VXI control. LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI include all the tools needed
for instrument control, data acquisition, analysis, and presentation.
LabVIEW is a complete programming environment that departs from the
sequential nature of traditional programming languages and features a
graphical programming environment.
LabWindows/CVI is an interactive C development environment for
building test and measurement and instrument control systems. It includes
interactive code-generation tools and a graphical editor for building custom
user interfaces.
When you boot your system for the first time, you can insert a configuration
disk to access either or both of these application programming
environments. Refer to the Booting Your System for the First Time section
in Chapter 2, Setting up Your VXI/VME System, for more information. Both
LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI integrate the VXI and VISA libraries that
are required to support your VXI/VMEpc-650. You also get hundreds of
complete instrument drivers, which are modular, source-code programs
that handle the communication with your instrument to speed your
application development.