Chapter 3 Developing Your Application
VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Windows 95/NT 3-6
National Instruments Corporation
Compiler Symbols for NI-VXI
You may need to define some symbols so that the NI-VXI library can work
properly with your program.
Note Skip this section if you are programming with NI-VISA only. NI-VISA does not
use these symbols.
You can define the symbols using #define statements in the source code
or you can use either the /D orthe -D option in your compiler (both the
Microsoft and Borland compilers support the /D and -D options). If you
use #define statements, you must define the symbols before including the
NI-VXI header file nivxi.h. If you use the makefiles to compile the
sample program, the makefile already defines the necessary symbols.
The VXINT symbol is required. You must define it when using the
Microsoft C or Borland C compiler. VXINT designates the application as a
Windows95/NT application.
Note LabWindows/CVI automatically defines the correct symbol. You do not need to
define VXINT when using LabWindows/CVI.
The BINARY_COMPATIBLE symbol is optional. It makes the application
binary compatible with embedded VXI controllers, such as the National
Instruments VXI/VMEpc series of embedded controllers. This option may
cause a slight performance degradation when using low-level VXIbus
access functions.
If you define these symbols in your source code, your source code should
look something like the following sample code:
#define VXINT
#include <nivxi.h>
If you define these symbols using the /D or -D compiler options, you
should specify the following when invoking the compiler.
For the Microsoft C compiler: