Appendix C Reinstalling the NI-VXI/VISA Software
VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Windows 95/NT C-2
National Instruments Corporation
Installing the SoftwareThis section describes how to install the 32-bit NI-VXI/VISA software
for the VXI/VMEpc 600 Series. The Setup program works the same
whether you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT. Please carefully
read these directions along with any messages on the screen before
making your selections.
You can quit the Setup program at any time by pressing the Cancel
Setup is an interactive, self-guiding program that installs the
NI-VXI/VISA software and configures your system to use the software
with the VXI/VMEpc-650. Follow these steps to perform the
1. Insert disk 1 of your set of disks labeled NI-VXI/VISA for
VXI/VMEpc 600 Series and Windows 95/NT.
2. Select Run... from the Start menu and enter the following text,
is your floppy drive (usually A)
and press <Enter>.
3. Click on the Next button at the Welcome screen to start the
installation and accept the license agreement.
Note If Setup detects a 16-bit (DOS or Windows 3.x) version of the NI-VXI software,
it p rompts you to remove it. Setup will quit so you can uninstallthe o ld software.
If you have a previous 32-bit (Windows 95 or WindowsNT) version of the
NI-VXI software installed, Setup installs the new version over the previous
Caution If you want to keep the manufacturer/model name tables or the VME device
configuration from a previous installation, be sure to back them up before starting
Setup, by copying the TBL directory into another folder.
4. Select the type of installation from the Choose Setup screen:
•Express setup is the fastest and simplest installation option.
This option installs all the NI-VXI/VISA software in default
directories without prompting you to make any further choices.
•Typical setup prompts you to make high-level choices of which
drivers to install and the destination directories.