Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-3 DAQCard-1200 User Manual
Input bias current................................... ±100 pA
Input offset current.................................±100 pA
CMRR....................................................70 dB, DC to 60 Hz
Dynamic CharacteristicsBandwidth
Small signal (–3 dB)
Settling time to full scale step
System noise (not including quantization error)
Gain Bandwidth
1–10 250 kHz
20 150 kHz
50 60 kHz
100 30 kHz
±0.024% (±1 LSB)
1–10 10 µs max
20 12 µs typ, 15 µs max
50 25 µs typ, 30 µs max
100 60 µs typ, 80 µs max
Gain Dither Off Dither On
1–50 0.3 LSBrms 0.5 LSBrms
100 0.5 LSBrms 0.7 LSBrms