© National Instruments Corporation ix DAQCard-1200 User Manual
About This Manual
This manual describes the mechanical and electrical aspects of the
DAQCard-1200 and contains information concerning its installation and
operation. The DAQCard-1200 is a compact, low-cost, low-power analog
input, analog output, digital, and timing I/O card for IBM PC/XT, PC AT,
and compatible computers that are equipped with a Type II PC Card socket.

Organization of This Manual

The DAQCard-1200 User Manual is organized as follows:
Chapter1, Introduction, describes the DAQCard-1200; lists what you
need to get started, the optional software, and optional equipment; and
explains how to unpack the DAQCard-1200.
Chapter2, Installation and Configuration, describes how to install and
software configure the DAQCard-1200.
Chapter3, S ign al Connections, describes the signals on the
DAQCard-1200 I/O connector.
Chapter4, Theory of Operation, explains the operation of each
functional unit of the DAQCard-1200.
Chapter5, C alibration, discusses the calibration procedures for the
DAQCard-1200 analog I/O circuitry.
Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications of the
Appendix B, Differences among the Lab-PC+, the DAQPad-1200,
and the DAQCard-1200, contains a summary of the functional
differences among the Lab-PC+, the DAQPad-1200, and the
Appendix C, Power-Management Modes, describes the
power-management modes of the DAQCard-1200.
Appendix D, PC Card Questions and Answers, contains a list of
common questions and answers relating to PC Card operation.
Appendix E, Technical Support Resources, contains forms you can use
to request help from National Instruments or to comment on our
products and manuals.