© National Instruments Corporation C-1 DAQCard-1200 User Manual
CPower-Management Modes
This appendix describes the power-management modes of the
• Normal Mode—This is the normal operating mode of the
DAQCard-1200 in which all the circuits are fully functional. This
mode draws about 150 mA from the 5 V supply (about 750 mW).
• Power-Down Mode—In this mode, the digital circuitry is powered on
and is functional. The analog input and output circuits are powered
down by setting the PWRDOWN bit in the PCMCIA Card
Configuration and Status Register. You can set the PWRDOWN bit by
using the DAQPOWER utility that is shipped with NI-DAQ. Use
DAQPOWER-D to power down and DAQPOWER-U to power up the
DAQCard-1200. This utility is also available in Windows and is
installed whenever you install NI-DAQ. Typically, the analog supplies
are not reduced to zero; negligible power is supplied to the analog
circuits. This mode draws about 50 mA from the 5 V supply (about
TableC-1 shows the effects of different power-management modes on the
DAQCard-1200 circuits.
Table C-1. DAQCard-1200 Power-Management Modes
Normal Mode Power-Down Mode
Input Functional. Defaults to bipolar (±5 V)
RSE. Protected to ±35 V.
Impedance > 1 GΩ.
Nonfunctional. Draws negligible power.
Protected to ±25 V. Impedance = 4.7 kΩ,
which is the input protection resistance.
Output Functional. Defaults to bipolar (±5 V)
RSE. Output of each DAC remains at 0 V
(within 110 ms of card insertion) until
the first update is performed on that
DAC. Short circuit protected to 80 mA.
DC impedance = 0.5 Ω.
Nonfunctional. Draws negligible power.
Output of each DAC is ideally 0 V, but
may get some negligible value. Short
circuit protected to 80 mA. Assume
impedance = 0.5 Ω.