© National Instruments Corporation G-1 FBUS-HSE/H1 LD User Manual
Symbol Prefix Value
m milli 10–3
k kilo 103


A Amperes.
A/D Analog-to-digital converter Alarm. A notification the NI-FBUS
Communications Manager software sends when it detects that a block
leaves or returns to a particular state.
address character Code that identifies a specific location (or series of locations) in memory.
administrative function NI-FBUS function that deals with administrative tasks, such as returning
descriptors and closing descriptors.
analog A description of a continuously variable signal or a circuit or device
designed to handle such signals.
AO Analog output.


bandwidth The range of frequencies present in a signal, or the range of frequencies
towhich a measuring device can respond.
bank The combination of one FieldPoint network module and one or more
terminal bases and I/O modules.
basic device A device that can communicate on the Fieldbus, but cannot become
the LAS.
bit string A data type in the object description.