© National Instruments Corporation G-5 FBUS-HSE/H1 LD User Manual
LLAS See Link Active Scheduler.
LD Linking device.
LED Light-emitting diode.
link A Foundation Fieldbus network is made up of devices connected by a serial
bus. This serial bus is called a link. Also known as a segment.
Link Active Scheduler Fieldbus device currently controlling access to the Fieldbus. A device that
is responsible for keeping a link operational. The LAS executes the link
schedule, circulates tokens, distributes time, and probes for new devices.
link master device A device capable of becoming the LAS.
linkage A connection between function blocks.
loop See control loop.
Mmenu An area accessible from the command bar that displays a subset of the
possible command choices. In the NI-FBUS Configuration, refers to menus
defined by the manufacturer for a given block.
method A method describes operating procedures to guide a user through a
sequence of actions.
m Meter.
mm Millimeter.
mode Type of communication.
Nnetwork address Fieldbus network address of a device.
nifb.exe NIFB process that must be running in the background for you to use your
Linking Device to communicate between the board and Fieldbus.