© National Instruments Corporation G-3 FBUS-HSE/H1 LD User Manual
device tag A name you assign to a Fieldbus device.
DI Discrete input.
digital Pertaining to data (signals) in the form of discrete (separate/pulse form)
integral values.
directory A structure for organizing files into convenient groups. A directory is like
an address showing where files are located. A directory can contain files or
subdirectories of files.
distributed control Process control distributed among several devices connected by a network.
DO Discrete output.
EEMI Electromagnetic interference.
event Occurrence on a device that causes a Fieldbus entity to send the Fieldbus
event message.
FFBUS Fieldbus.
FBUS-HSE/H1 LD Fieldbus High Speed Ethernet to Foundation H1 Linking Device.
FF Foundation Fieldbus.
field device A Fieldbus device connected directly to a Fieldbus.
Fieldbus An all-digital, two-way communication system that connects cont rol
systems to instrumentation. A process-control local area network defined
by ISA standard S50.02.
Fieldbus cable Shielded, twisted pair cable made specifically for Fieldbus that has
characteristics for good signal transmission within the requirements of the
Fieldbus standard.
Foundation Fieldbus Organization that developed a Fieldbus network specifically based upon the
work and principles of the ISA/IEC standards committees.