© National Instruments Corporation G-11 IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic User Manual
M (1) Mega, the standard metric prefix for 1 million or 106, when used with
units of measure such as volts and hertz.
(2) Mega, the prefix for 1,048,576, or 220, when used with B to quantify
data or computer memory.
machine vision An automated application that performs a set of visual inspection tasks.
mask FFT filter Removes frequencies contained in a mask (range) specified by the user.
match score A number ranging from 0 to 1000 that indicates how closely an acquired
image matches the template image. A match score of 1000 indicates a
perfect match. A match score of 0 indicates no match.
MB Megabyte of memory.
median filter A lowpass filter that assigns to each pixel the median value of its neighbors.
This filter effectively removes isolated pixels without blurring the contours
of objects.
memory buffer See buffer.
MMX Multimedia Extensions. An Intel chip-based technology that allows
parallel operations on integers, which results in accelerated processing
of8 -bit images.
Extract and alter the structure of objects in an image. You can use these
transformations for expanding (dilating) or reducing (eroding) objects,
filling holes, closing inclusions, or smoothing borders. They are used
primarily to delineate objects and prepare them for quantitative inspection
M-skeleton function Uses an M-shaped structuring element in the skeleton function.
neighbor A pixel whose value affects the value of a nearby pixel when an image is
processed. The neighbors of a pixel are usually defined by a kernel or a
structuring element.
Operations on a point in an image that take into consideration the values of
the pixels neighboring that point.