IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic User Manual I-2
color pattern matching
finding points, 5-19
optimize speed with search strategy, 5-23
setting rotation angle ranges, 5-25
color pattern matching algorithms
training, 5-21
using contrast, 5-25
color scores, 5-24
color sensitivity, using to control granularity
in template images, 5-23
color spectrums, learning, 3-10
color statistics, measuring, 3-6, 3-7
color template images, defining, 5-20
color, comparing in a specified region, 3-11
learning, 3-12
significant colors in the image, 3-10
comparing colors in a specified region, 3-11
complex images, 2-12
converting to arrays, 2-12
continuous acquisition, 2-5
color pattern matching algorithms, 5-25
pattern matching algorithms, 5-18
conventions used in the manual, ix
arrays to images, 2-6
complex images to arrays, 2-12
image to its frequency domain, 2-11
pixel coordinates to real-world
coordinates, 5-26
convolution filter, 2-10
coordinate systems, reference, 6-3
coordinate transformation
building with edge detection, 5-3
building with pattern matching, 5-5
correction tables, learning, 6-8
binary images, 4-1, 4-2
images, 2-2
IMAQ Vision applications, 1-5
template images, 5-13
CWIMAQ control, 1-3
cwimaq.ocx, 1-3
CWIMAQViewer control, 1-3
CWIMAQVision, 1-3
CWMachineVision control, 1-4
CWMachineVision methods, 5-8
cwmv.ocx, 1-4
Ddata matrix barcodes, 5-30
reading, 5-30
calibration templates, 6-2
color template images, 5-20
effective template images, 5-13
reference coordinate systems, 6-3
regions interactively, 5-8
regions of interest, 3-1
regions of interest interactively, 3-1
regions programmatically, 5-9
ROIs programmatically, 3-5
ROIs with masks, 3-6
search area, 5-22
search areas, 5-16
templates with colors that are unique to
the pattern, 5-20
deployment, application, xi
detecting objects, 5-2
diagnostic tools (NI resources), A-1
images, 2-6
results, 5-31
distance measurements, 5-26