IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic User Manual I-6
adding shapes, 3-5
programmatically defining, 3-5
Rotated Rectangle tool, 3-2
rotation angle ranges
setting for color pattern matching, 5-25
setting for pattern matching, 5-18
rotationally symmetric template, 5-20
Ssaving calibration information, 6-10
scaling factors, specifying, 6-6
scaling mode, setting, 6-8
search algorithms, testing on test images,
5-18,5 -25
search area, defining, 5-16, 5-22
search areas, 5-8
setting, 5-8
search contour, finding points, 5-11
search contours, finding edge points along
multiple search contours, 5-12
search strategy, using to optimize the speed of
color pattern matching algorithms, 5-23
selecting significant colors for the object, 3-10
Selection tool, 3-2
separating touching particles, 4-3
pattern matching tolerances, 5-17, 5-23
rotation angle ranges for pattern
matching, 5-18, 5-25
scaling mode, 6-8
search areas, 5-8
setting up measurement systems, 2-1
shape scores, 5-24
signal-to-noise ratio, 2-9
simple calibration, 6-9
software (NI resources), A-1
color information, 3-10
granularity to learn a color, 3-12
learning algorithm, 6-6
region of interest, 6-6
scaling factors, 6-6
specifying scaling factors, learning calibration
information, 6-6
increasing for color pattern matching
algorithms, 5-25
increasing for pattern matching
algorithms, 5-18
support, technical, A-1
symmetric templates, 5-13
Ttechnical support, A-1
background information, 5-15
coarse features, 5-14
defining with colors that are unique to the
pattern, 5-20
strong edges, 5-14
template images
creating, 5-13
defining, 5-13
using color sensitivity to control
granularity, 5-23
background information, 5-21
calibration, 6-2
coarse features, 5-20
detail, 5-20
positional information, 5-20
strong edges, 5-20
test images, testing search algorithms,
5-18, 5-25