Chapter 4 Performing Particle Analysis
IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic User Manual 4-6 ni.com
cwimaqMeasurementConvexHullPerimeter Perimeter of the smallest convex
polygon containing all points in the
cwimaqMeasurementElongationFactor Max Feret Diameter divided by
Equivalent Rect Short Side (Feret).
cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentEllipseMajorAxis Length of the major axis of the ellipse
with the same perimeter and area as the
cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentEllipseMinorAxis Length of the minor axis of the ellipse
with the same perimeter and area as the
cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentEllipseMinorAxisFeret Length of the minor axis of the ellipse
with the same area as the particle, and
Major Axis equal in length to the Max
Feret Diameter.
cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentRectDiagonal Distance between opposite corners of
the rectangle with the same perimeter
and area as the particle.
cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentRectLongSide Longest side of the rectangle with the
same perimeter and area as the particle.
cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentRectShortSide Shortest side of the rectangle with the
same perimeter and area as the particle.
cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentRectShortSideFeret Shortest side of the rectangle with the
same area as the particle, and longest
side equal in length to the Max Feret
cwimaqMeasurementFirstPixelX X-coordinate of the highest, leftmost
particle pixel.
cwimaqMeasurementFirstPixelY Y-coordinate of the highest, leftmost
particle pixel.
cwimaqMeasurementHeywoodCircularityFactor Perimeter divided by the circumference
of a circle with the same area.
Table 4-1. Measurement Types (Continued)
Measurement Description