Chapter 4 Performing Particle Analysis
© National Instruments Corporation 4-7 IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic User Manual
cwimaqMeasurementHolesArea Sum of the areas of each hole in the
cwimaqMeasurementHolesPerimeter Sum of the perimeters of each hole in the
cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment1 The first Hu moment.
cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment2 The second Hu moment.
cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment3 The third Hu moment.
cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment4 The fourth Hu moment.
cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment5 The fifth Hu moment.
cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment6 The sixth Hu moment.
cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment7 The seventh Hu moment.
cwimaqMeasurementHydraulicRadius The particle area divided by the particle
cwimaqMeasurementImageArea Area of the image.
cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameter Distance between the start and end of the
line segment connecting the two
perimeter points that are the furthest
cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterEndX X-coordinate of the end of the line
segment connecting the two perimeter
points that are the furthest apart.
cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterEndY Y-coordinate of the end of the line
segment connecting the two perimeter
points that are the furthest apart.
cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterOrientation The angle of the line segment
connecting the two perimeter points that
are the furthest apart.
cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterStartX X-coordinate of the start of the line
segment connecting the two perimeter
points that are the furthest apart.
Table 4-1. Measurement Types (Continued)
Measurement Description