Chapter 1 Introduction to IMAQ Vision
IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic User Manual 1-2
In addition to this manual, several documentation resources are available
to help you create a vision application:
IMAQ Vision Concepts Manual—If you are new to machine vision
and imaging, read this manual to understand the concepts behind
IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic Reference—If you need information
about individual methods, properties, or objects, refer to this help file.
Access this file from within Visual Basic or from the Start menu by
selecting Programs»National Instruments»Vision»
NI-IMAQ User Manual—If you have a National Instruments image
acquisition (IMAQ) device and need information about the functions
that control the IMAQ device, refer to this portable document (PDF)
file which was installed at the following location when you installed
NI-IMAQ: Start»Programs»National Instruments»Vision»
Documentation. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open this file.
Example programs—If you want examples of how to create specific
applications in Visual Basic, go to Vision\Examples\MSVB. If you
want examples of how to create specific applications in Microsoft
Visual Basic .NET, go to Vision\Examples\MSVB.NET.
CWMachineVision source code—If you want to refer to the source
code for the CWMachineVision control, go to Vision\Source\
Application Notes—If you want to know more about advanced
IMAQVision concepts and applications, refer to the Application
Notes located on the National Instruments Web site at
NI Developer Zone (NIDZ)—For additional information about
developing a vision application, visit the NI Developer Zone at The NI Developer Zone contains example programs,
tutorials, technical presentations, the Instrument Driver Network, a
measurement glossary, an online magazine, a product advisor, and a
community area where you can share ideas, questions, and source code
with vision developers around the world.
IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic Organization
IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic consists of five ActiveX controls contained
in three files: cwimaq.ocx, cwmv.ocx, and niocr.ocx.