National Instruments Corporation G-7 VXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
by including VXI triggers, all VXI interrupts, CLK10, SYSFAIL*,
MXIbus Multisystem eXtension Interface Bus; a high-performance
communication link that interconnects devices using round, flexible
MXIbus System A functional module that has arbiter, daisy-chain driver, and MXIbus
Controller cycle timeout responsibility. Always the first device in the MXIbus
NNI-VXI The National Instruments bus interface softwa re for VME/ VXIbus
Non-Slot 0 device A device configured for installation in any slot in a VXIbus mainframe
other than Slot 0. Installing such a device into Slot 0 can damage the
device, the VXIbus backplane, or both.
OOnboard RAM The optional RAM installed into the SIMM slots of the PCI-MXI-2
board or VXI/VME-MXI-2 module.
PPCI Peripheral Component Interconnect. The PCI bus is a high-performance
32-bit or 64-bit bus with multiplexed address and data lines.
propagation The transmission of signal through a computer system.
Rregister-based device A Servant-only device that supports VXIbus configuration registers.
Register-based devices are typically controlled by message-based
devices via device-dependent register reads and writes.
retry An a ckno wle dge by a destination tha t sign ifies that the cyc le did not
complete and should be repeated.