Chapter 4 Operating NEC Storage PathManager
C:\>spscmd -avail :::
C:\>spscmd -getlun
*** LogicalUnit #0 ***
0: Priority=1, PathNumber=4:0:0:0
1: Priority=2, PathNumber=5:0:1:0
2: Priority=3, PathNumber=6:0:2:0
> 3: Priority=4, PathNumber=7:0:3:0
*** LogicalUnit #1 ***
0: Priority=1, PathNumber=4:0:0:1
1: Priority=2, PathNumber=5:0:1:1
2: Priority=3, PathNumber=6:0:2:1
> 3: Priority=4, PathNumber=7:0:3:1
If the HBA driver is reinstalled, priority setting information may be lost. After installing the HBA
driver, make sure to check the settings for priority and make settings again as needed.
(2) Failback method
When NEC Storage PathManager is installed, the failback method is set to standby failback. This is based
on a policy that once failures occur in a path, that path should not be used until its complete recovery is
confirmed. This setti ng can avoid unnecessary switching of paths due to repetition of failover and failback
by unstable paths.
(3) MSCS liaison
The MSCS function is disabled when NEC Storage PathManager is installed.
(4) Path patrol
The following shows initial values in settings for the path patrol function.
