Appendix A spscmd
It displays settings for path control.
Health check: Settings for health check (Enable/Disable)
Recovery check: Settings for recovery check (Enable/Disable)
Request interval: Interval for issuing monitoring requests
(in seconds)
Threshold: Duration of time that a path has not been used
(in seconds).
This information is necessary for issuance of
monitoring I/O.
Timeout duration: Duration before timeout for monitoring I/O
(in seconds).
(Recovery check, Threshold, and Timeout duration are not for
Windows Server 2003.)
spscmd lbmode path_number mode
For a logical unit with the path specified by "path_number," "mode" will
set dynamic load balancing.
Mode = 0: Dynamic load balancing will not be executed (no load balancing
will be executed or static load balancing will be executed)
Mode = 1: Dynamic load balancing will be executed (in the round robin
spscmd notavail path_number
It disables the priority of the path specified by "path_number."
spscmd path path_number
It disables the priority of the path specified by "path_number."
spscmd priority path_number priority
It changes priority of the path specified by "path_number" to
an integer specified as "priority."
spscmd setfbmode state
It sets failback method to the method specified by "state."
state = Active or A: Active failback
state = Standby or S: Standby failback
spscmd setmscsmode state
It sets MSCS liaison to the state specified by "state."