Appendix A spscmd
state = Enable or E: MSCS liaison is enabled
state = Disable or D: MSCS liaison is disabled
spscmd setwatcher param
It sets the state of path control to the state specified by
Specify "param" using four numbers with a colon (:) in between
(param = /1/:/2/:/3/:/4/)
/1/ Health check / Recovery check
0: health check disabled, recovery check disabled
1: health check enabled, recovery check disabled
2: health check disabled, recovery check enabled
3: health check enabled, recovery check enabled
/2/ Request interval
Interval for issuing monitoring requests (in seconds)
/3/ Threshold
Duration of time that a path has not been used
(in seconds).
This information is necessary for issuance of
monitoring I/O.
/4/ Timeout duration
Duration before timeout for monitoring I/O
(in seconds).
(Recovery check, Threshold, and Timeout duration cannot be set
up for Windows Server 2003.)
spscmd swap path_number1 path_number2
It switches priorities between the paths specified by
"path_number1" and "path_number2."