10.Wait for the ISDN test to complete.
If the ISDN test fails, recheck your ISDN setup information and the physical connection. Refer to “Troubleshooting Information” below.
11.Enter your ISP account information.
Enter the phone number for the ISP, as you would dial it from your location.
12.Click on Connect.
13.Wait for the ISP test to complete.
If the ISP test fails, recheck your ISP account information. For help, refer to the troubleshooting section in this document.
14.Basic configuration is now complete. Either exit the program or click on Advanced Setup.
Features for the Advanced Setup are described in the Model RT338 ISDN Router Installation Guide.
For information about the data to be entered in each FirstGear screen, click on Help. If the ISDN or ISP test fails, refer to the troubleshooting section of this document and to the troubleshooting section in the Model RT338 ISDN Router Installation Guide.
The Model RT338 router is now configured to provide Internet access for your LAN. For additional applications information, refer to the Applications folder on the Model RT338 Resources CD and on the NETGEAR Web site at: www.NETGEAR.com.
Verifying the Installation
When the router is configured correctly, it will place a call to the ISP automatically whenever a configured PC tries to access the Internet. The router disconnects from the ISP when the connection has been idle for a period of time. Therefore, the
To access the Internet, launch a browser application (that is, Microsoft® Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator). The B1 LED on the router illuminates, indicating that a call is being placed. Next, the LAN activity LEDs (TD and RD) blink, indicating communication between your router and your ISP. The browser then displays its opening page. This process may take up to a minute.
After about five minutes of inactivity, the router disconnects the call.
Troubleshooting Information
FirstGear cannot find your router:
•Check the Ethernet connection between your PC and router. The Link LED on your Ethernet card and the corresponding port LED on the router should be lit.
•Power cycle the router. Wait 1 minute before starting FirstGear.
Model RT338 ISDN Router Installation Guide