User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter WPN111
Introduction 2-5
Exchange files
between a
connected P C
and other
comp uters in a
my combined
wireless and
wired n etwork.
1. Use the W indows
fea ture to bro wse
for c omp ute rs in
the combined
wireless a nd wired
2. B rowse th e hard
drive of the target
computer in the
ne twork in ord er to
lo cate the dir ecto ry
or files you want to
work with.
3. Use the Wind ows
Explorer copy and
paste functions to
exchange files
be twee n th e
comp u ters.
1. The PC I am using to
co nne ct to th e w irel ess
network needs to be
co nfig ure d w ith th e
Windows Client and File
and P rint Sharing.
2. The P C I am using to
co nne ct to th e w irel ess
network needs to be
co nfig ure d w ith th e s am e
Wi ndows Workgrou p or
D om ai n se tting s a s the
other Win dows compu ters
in the combin ed wireless
and wired network.
3. A ny Windows networking
security access righ ts
such as login user name/
password that have been
assigned in the W indows
network or for sharing
particular files m ust be
provide d when W indows
prom pts for such
4. If so-called W indows
‘peer’ W orkgroup
networking is being used,
the drive, file system
directory, or file need to be
enabled for sharing.
For assistance with Windows
networking software, see
“P repa ring Y our C omp uters fo r
TC P/IP Networking” on page C-1
for configuration scenarios or
refer to th e H elp s ystem incl ude d
with your version of Windows.
Wind ows Domain settings are
usually ma naged by corporate
computer support groups.
Wind ows Workgroup settings
are commonly managed by
individuals who want to set up
sm al l ne twor ks i n th eir h om es , or
small offices.
For assistance with setting up
Windows network i ng , refer to the
PC Networking Tu torial on the
W ireles s U SB 2.0 A da pter
WPN111 Resource CD and the
He lp information provided in the
Wind ows system you are using.
Table 2-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here
If I Want To? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I?