The Exclamation Point | The Lightning Flash With |
symbol, within an | Arrowhead symbol, within an |
equilateral triangle, alerts | equilateral triangle, alerts the |
the user to the presence of | user to the presence of non- |
important operating and | insulated dangerous voltages |
maintenance (servicing) | within the product's enclosure |
instructions in product | that may be of sufficient |
literature and instruction | magnitude to constitute a |
manuals. | risk of electric shock. |
CANADA WARNING – This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radioelectriques depassant les limits applicables aux brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communications de Canada.
OmniaONE Multicast - Use and Operation Manual – Version 0.90