Damping of wind transducer. The factory default setting should be
adequate. In very heavy weather or unstable wind conditions,
unnecessary corrections may be minimised by increasing the
6.3.5 P5, Automatic Trim Calibration [ATC]
Possible settings are [0] = Minimum to [9] = Maximum.
Set by the APC routine.
[ATC] is not critical. It constantly compares the course set against
the course steered and slowly applies more rudder as necessary to
reduce any errors to zero. Errors may be due to wind, waves or
other unbalanced forces such as single screw operation of a twin
screw boat, an off centre tow or weather helm on a sailing boat, etc.
If the trim time is set too high, it will take a long time to eliminate the
course error. If it is set too low it can start to degrade course
In general, longer trim times (higher settings) should be set for
large boats and sailing boats and shorter trim times (lower settings)
for small boats and high speed planning boats. The factory default
setting should be acceptable for all but extreme applications.
6.3.6 P6, Adaptive Control [ADC]
Possible settings are [OFF] or [On].
This function is reserved for future functions.
6.3.7 P7, Automatic Pilot Calibration [APC]
Possible settings are [ON] or [OFF].
The APC routine automatically sets: [RUD], [SEA], [CRD], [ATC]
and [RRS].
The Autopilot will not function unless the boat pass the APC
routine. The APC will automatically determine and correct how
wires and pipes are connected. It will also learn how the boat reacts
on different rudder commands and automatically calibrate itself.
To learn how to perform the APC function, see Sea Trials.
6.3.8 P8, Rudder Reduction Speed [RRS]
Possible settings are [0] = Minimum to [9] = Maximum.
Set by the APC routine.
The [RRS] controls the flow of the pumpset. It will effect the
pumpset, but not a solenoid valve steering system.