When you finished the Dockside Testing, perform the Sea Trials routine.
13.1 Preparations
Take your boat out in half speed to calm sea and away from other boats or obstructions
to run the sea trials. Then proceed as per below order.
Warning! Do not activate any of the 3 Autopilot functions Compass, Nav or Wind at
dock as the rudder may go hard over, since the APC routine has not been carried out
13.2 Compass calibration
Enter the compass calibration.
Note! If you are using an existing Nexus Compass transducer that already has been
compensated, it is not necessary to run the auto-deviation [Auto DEV] procedure again.
Local Magnetic Variation:
Run the calibration routine local variation [VAR].
Automatic Compass Compensation:
Run the calibration procedure auto-deviation [Auto DEV].
Automatic Compass Check
Run the calibration procedure auto-deviation-check [Auto CHK].
Misalignment correction
Run the calibration procedure compass alignment [ADJ].
13.3 Automatic Pilot Calibration [APC]
The Autopilot will not function unless the boat pass the APC routine. The APC will
automatically determine and correct how wires and pipes are connected. It will also
learn how the boat reacts on different rudder commands and automatically calibrate
The APC routine automatically sets: [RUD], [SEA], [CRD], [ATC] and [RRS].
Select P7 [APC]. To unlock, press SET. To change to [On], press LEFT or RIGHT.
To activate the APC, press SET.
All 4 page arrows at top of display will now be lit to confirm the APC procedure is in
The boat should automatically turn slightly to port and starboard and return to original
If the APC fails: Error message 34 (calibration failure) is displayed. This is most likely
caused by too much air still in the system. To escape the error message, press any
push-button. Revert to 10.3. ”How to remove air from the system”. Note! You can
”help” the APC process by manually pulling the steering wheel or tiller in same direction
as APC turns the boat to pass the APC.