If an error message [Err #] is displayed, an error has been detected by the Nexus
The message can assist you to diagnose the cause and remedy the error.
To escape from an error message, press any push-button. If not possible to escape,
reset power (turn off and on again), then make the remedy if suggested below.
Note! For errors marked with [*], contact your national distributor to return the unit for
No. Message and cause Remedy *
01 Activated watchdog timeout. Reset power. *
02 Nexus Network data frames are missing. Check connections and setup.
03 No data received within approx. 10 sec. Check connections.
04 EEPROM read. Reset power. *
05 EEPROM write. Reset power. *
06 RAM memory error. Reset power. *
07 Auto-log full, in GPS Compass. Clear Auto-log memory.
08 Break reset. Reset power. *
09 EEPROM auto initiation, or NMEA
transmit fail. (Nexus Server only). Reset power. *
10 Range error, depending on wrong input
e.g. 17° 70' = too many minutes. Correct input format..
11 Remote control setup error. Command
can not be executed. Check connections and settings.
12 No response from navigator. Check navigator connection and
13 Waypoint not defined. Define a waypoint.
14 Impossible command when used with an
external NMEA navigator. Use only possible command.
15 Impossible command when in Autopilot
mode. Use only possible commands.
16 Auto-deviation is not possible. Check for extreme magnetic field,
upside down mounting of transducer
or wrong transducer type setting.
17 Auto-deviation check failed. 1¼ turn not completed or extreme
magnetic disturbance.
18 Auto-deviation. Function denied. Function denied since compass is
busy with the auto-deviation routine.
19 Auto-deviation failure. Error larger than 1.5°. The boat
probably hit a wave during the turn.
20 GPS to CPU communication error. Reset power. *
21 GPS acquisition failure (time out). Maximum allowed time for searching
satellites. E.g. when try to navigate
indoors. Check GPS antenna
22 CPU to GPS communication error. Reset power. *