Edit Movie

Trim footage from movies to create edited copies.

1 Select Choose start point or Choose end point.

Choose from the following options:

Choose start point: Trim the opening footage.

Choose end point: Trim the closing foot- age.

2 Select a movie.

Press 4 or 2 or rotate the multi selector to highlight a movie (0 99) and press Jto select.

3 Pause the movie on opening or closing frame.

Play the movie back, pressing J to begin and resume playback and 3 to pause (0 47; the first frame is indicated by a hicon in the display, the last frame by i). Pause playback when you reach the frame that will become the new opening or closing frame.

4 Delete the unwanted frames.

Press 1 to delete all frames before (Choose start point) or after (Choose end point) the current frame.

5 Save the copy.

Highlight Yes and press J to save the o edited copy. If necessary, the copy can be trimmed as described above to

remove additional footage.