P Programmed Auto

In this mode, the camera automatically adjusts shutter speed and aperture for optimal exposure in most situations. This mode is recommended for snapshots and other situations in which you want to leave the camera in charge of shutter speed and aperture.

❚❚Choosing a Combination of Shutter Speed and Aperture Although the shutter speed and aperture

chosen by the camera will produce opti-


mal results, you can also choose from


other combinations that will produce the


same exposure (“flexible program”). Press


W up for large apertures (low f-numbers)


that blur background details or fast shut-

ter speeds that “freeze” motion, or press


down for small apertures (high f-num-


bers) that increase depth of field or slow


shutter speeds that blur motion. Uis dis-


played while flexible program is in effect.


ARestoring Default Shutter Speed and Aperture Settings

To restore default shutter speed and aperture settings, press W up or down until U is no longer displayed, choose another mode, rotate the mode dial, or turn the camera off. The default shutter speed and aperture is automatically restored when the camera enters standby mode.
