3 Frame the photograph.

Position your subject in the center of the frame.

AThe Shutter-Release Button

The camera has a two-stage shutter-release button. The camera

focuses when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway. To take the

z photograph, press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down.

Focus: Press halfway

Shoot: Press the rest


of the way down

AAutomatic Scene Selection

In auto photo mode, the camera automati- Scene icon cally analyzes the subject and selects the appropriate scene. The selected scene is

shown by an icon in the display.

cPortrait: Human portrait subjects.

dLandscape: Landscapes and cityscapes.

fNight portrait: Portrait subjects framed against dark backgrounds.

eClose up: Subjects close to the camera.

ZAuto: Subjects that do not fall into the categories listed above.

AMovie Recording

In auto photo mode, movies can not be recorded and pressing the movie-record button has no effect.

ASee Also

See page 159 for information on silencing the beep that sounds when the camera focuses or the shutter is released.