3 Frame the photograph.
Position your subject in the center of the frame.
The camera has a | |
focuses when the | |
z photograph, press the | |
Focus: Press halfway | Shoot: Press the rest |
| of the way down |
AAutomatic Scene Selection
In auto photo mode, the camera automati- Scene icon cally analyzes the subject and selects the appropriate scene. The selected scene is
shown by an icon in the display.
cPortrait: Human portrait subjects.
dLandscape: Landscapes and cityscapes.
fNight portrait: Portrait subjects framed against dark backgrounds.
eClose up: Subjects close to the camera.
ZAuto: Subjects that do not fall into the categories listed above.
AMovie Recording
In auto photo mode, movies can not be recorded and pressing the
ASee Also
See page 159 for information on silencing the beep that sounds when the camera focuses or the shutter is released.