Prior to Shooting

Fo ld out the rewind crank a nd turn it gentl y in the di- rection of th e engraved arrow until yo u fee l a slight ten- sio n; t his tension indi cates t hat th ere is no more slack in th e f ilm ca rtr idge. (Be sure not to rewind the f ilm back into th e ca rtridge.)

Adva nce th e film a nd ma ke two b la nk ex posures to di s- pose. of th e i.nitial po rtio n of th e f ilm exposed during load Ing (for ·fllm advance o perat ion, see page 11) . Whil e

adva ncing th e f ilm, check t hat t he rewind crank turns in the direc ti on opp os ite th e arrow. Cra nk rotation indi ca- tes that the film has bee n loaded properl y and is bein g advanced. Th en, fo ld the crank flat fo r storage.

After adva ncing th e film two fra mes to di spose of t he ini tial port ion of t he leader, t he fra me cou nter at the

upper right of the camera will indicate "0"· now ad- va nce th e f il m o ne more fra me to prepare t he ~amer~ for

ta kin g th e first ex posure.


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Nikon F25B manual Preparation for USE, Prior to Shooting