Focusing Screen Selector Guide
Typ e A. L
Type A: Matte Fresnel field with 3mmq>.circul"r
| photogra phy. |
| Type L: Same as Type A screen but witll | |
| rangefindCI line | at a 45 ° anglc . Bcst for subjects |
| with horilontal | lines. |
| Type B: Matte Fresnel field with 12mm¢ fine- | |
| ground matte focusing spot in the center. Good for | |
| general photography, especially with long lenses. | |
D | Ty pe C: | |
spot and cross hair. For photomicrography I astra- | ||
photography and other | ||
tions, and for parallax focusing on aerial images. |
Type 0 : Overall
Type H: Clear Fresnel field with microprism focus- ing patter n over the entire screen area . Permits rapid focusing on any part of the screen with opti- mum
Ty pe J : Matte Fresnel field with central microprism focusing spot and 1 2mm</> circle. Good for gene ral photography.
Type K: Combination of Type A and J screens. Matte Fresnel field with 3mm¢ spli
Type M: Fine ground Fresnel field with 5.5mm</> clear spot and double cross hair for use in parallax focusing on aeria l image, plus millimeter scales for calculation of individual magnification of objects or for measuring objects. Brilliant image in dim light. Suitable for
Ty pe E: Malle Fresnel field with 12mmrJ> fine- ground matte spot and etched horizontal and
Type P : Same as Type K but with
Ty pe G: Clear Fresnel field with
Type R : Same as Type A but with rangefinder prisms of sloping surfaces at a smaller angle and horizontal and vertical lines to aid proper composi- tion. Wor ks best with lenses having maximum aperture of from f/3.5 to f/5.6