Nokia 1315 Tone settings, Security settings, PIN code request, Restrict calls, Security level

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separator and the format of your choice.

Tone settings

From the tone settings menu, you can adjust the ringing volume, keypad tones, and other tone settings for the currently active profile. See “Personalize a profile”, page 45.

Enhancement settings

The enhancement settings menu is shown only if the phone is or has been connected to a compatible enhancement.

Select Menu > Settings > Enhancement settings > Headset or Charger.

Security settings

PIN code request

Enable your phone to request the PIN code when powered on. This provides extra security in case your phone is lost or stolen.

1.Select Menu > Settings > Security settings > PIN code request.

2.Enter the PIN code, and select OK.

3.Select On.

S e t t i n g s

Restrict calls

Call restriction is a network service. See “Network services”, page 9 for more information.

If your wireless service provider supports this feature, then you can restrict the calls your phone can make and receive. When calls are restricted, calls may still be made to the official emergency number programmed into your phone.

Contact your service provider for the restriction password.

1.Select Menu > Settings > Security settings > Call restrictions.

2.Enter the security code, and select OK.

3.Select the type of calls you wish to restrict:

Restrict outgoing calls—Calls cannot be made.

Restrict incoming calls—Calls cannot be received.

4.Scroll to Select, Add restriction, Edit or Delete.

Security level

Enable your phone to request for the security code when powered on. This provides extra security to your phone and its memory.

Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.


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Nokia 1315 manual Tone settings, Security settings, PIN code request, Restrict calls, Security level