V o i c e m a i l
Receive a Voicemail Message
When you receive a new voicemail message, the device displays a voicemail notification.
To listen to the message, select Listen Now and follow the voice prompts to access your voicemail box.
To listen to your voicemail at another time, select Listen Later. The Voicemail Indicator will appear at the bottom of the display.
Listen to a Voicemail Message
1.Press the Key (MENU), and then press
2.Press Voicemail, and then press the
Key (CALL) to dial your voicemail service and retrieve your message.
Tip: From Idle Mode, to quickly access your voicemail box, press and hold the Voicemail Key .
Email Messages
Mobile Email & Mobile Web Mail
1.Press the Key (MENU), and then press
2.Press (Email), select one of the following options, and then press the
•Mobile Email: To connect Brew Smartlink.
•Mobile Web Mail: To connect to the WAP Browser.
3.The Browser launches. Select the desired Email provider and press the Key.
4.Follow the
1.Press the Key (MENU), and then press
2.Press Chat. A Mobile Web session starts. Scroll to an available provider and then press Left Soft Key (Select). Follow the
1.Press the Key (MENU), and then press
2.To access your personal blogs, press Blogs.
3.To save a blog site, press the Key (ADD), and then enter the site name and upload address. Press the
Key (SAVE) to add the blog site to your list.
Message Settings
This menu allows you to define settings for messages sent or received on your device.
1.Press the
Key (MENU), and then press
2.Press the Left Soft Key (Settings).
3.To define message settings, select from the following:
Entry Mode — Change the default entry mode for writing text to Word, Abc, ABC, or 123.
Auto Save Sent — Select whether to automatically save all sent messages to the Sent folder. To be asked every time to save a sent message, select Prompt.
Auto Erase Inbox — Select whether to automatically erase the oldest (unlocked) message from the Inbox folder when the device memory is full. If set to Off, you are prompted to delete messages from your Inbox when the memory is full.
Messaging Font Size — Select message font size to Normal or Large.
TXT Auto View — Select whether to display incoming text messages automatically. If set to Off, it will display a prompt message to select View Now or View Later when a message is received.
Messaging 22