Received calls
This shows you the phone numbers of the 10 most recent calls you’ve answered.
Press Menu 2 3 (Call log - Received calls), then scroll
through the numbers.
Also, see “Call log” on page 22 for details on other call lists.
The ‘Options’ soft key
See “The ‘Options’ soft key” on page 23.
Restore factory settings
You can reset the settings of many of your phone’s features to factory defaults (as in a new telephone).
Restoring factory settings
Press Menu 4 2 4 (Settings - Phone settings - Restore
factory settings), enter security code and press OK.
Note: The memory, timers, language selection, and security code are not reset. However, any Profiles you have modified will reset when you restore your settings.
Renaming profiles
See “Profiles” on page 53.
Restrict calls
This feature allows you to restrict incoming and outgoing calls. Outgoing calls are restricted from a list of restrictions that you create yourself.
Restrict outgoing calls
If no restrictions have been defined in your phone, you will notice only one option:
Add restriction allows you to create your own list of outgoing call restrictions. The maximum number of call restriction groups you can define is 10.