5)Enter phone number at locate number in phone
1XPEHU= (or press 6HDUFK to book) and press 2.
6)Your phone will attempt to call the network to con- firm the feature code you entered in Menu 4 4 5 (see “Network feature setting” on page 47)
7)Once the feature code had been confirmed, the feature is activated
Call forwarding options
)RUZDUG DOO FDOOV forwards all incoming calls.
)RUZDUG LI EXV\ forwards calls only when you’re on the phone.
)RUZDUG LI QRW DQVZHUHG forwards calls if you don’t answer.
)RUZDUG LI RXW RI UHDFK forwards calls if you are out of the serving wireless network.
&DQFHO DOO FDOO IRUZDUGLQJ cancels all call forwarding options you have active.
Call log
This feature automatically keeps track of numbers you’ve dialed, numbers that have called you, and the amount of time you’ve spent on calls.
Using call log
1)Press 0HQX 2 (&DOO ORJ)
(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)
2)Press W to reach one of the following options, then press 6HOHFW or 2.