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(XHTML) on their pages. Appearance may vary due to screen size. You may not be able to view all details of the internet pages.
Check the availability of these services, pricing, tariffs, and instructions with your service provider.
Set up browsing
You may receive the configuration settings required for browsing as a configuration message from the service provider that offers the service that you want to use. See "Configuration setting service," p. 12.
You can also enter all the configuration settings manually. See "Configuration," p. 55.
Connect to a service
Ensure that the correct configuration settings of the service are activated.
1.To select the settings for connecting to the service, select Menu > Web >
Settings > Configuration sett..
2.Select Configuration. Only the configurations that support browsing service are shown. Select a service provider, Default, or Personal config. for browsing. See "Set up browsing," p. 73.
3.Select Account and a browsing service account contained in the active configuration settings.
4.Select Displ. term. window > Yes to perform manual user authentication for intranet connections.
Make a connection to the service in one of the following ways: Select Menu > Web > Home; or in the standby mode, press and hold 0.
To select a bookmark of the service, select Menu > Web > Bookmarks. To select the last URL, select Menu > Web > Last web addr..
To enter the address of the service, select Menu > Web > Go to address. Enter the address of the service, and select OK.