Make Assembly Easier for Yourself!
Everything in this manual is designed to ensure that the leg press accessory can be assembled successfully by anyone. Before beginning assembly, make sure to read the information on this page; this brief intro- duction will save you much more time than it takes to read it!
Assembly Requires Two Persons
For your convenience and safety, assemble the leg press accessory with the help of another person.
Set Aside Enough Time
Due to the many features of the leg press accesso- ry, the assembly process will require a few hours. By setting aside plenty of time and by deciding to make the task enjoyable, assembly will go smoothly.
How to Orient Parts
As you assemble the leg press accessory, make sure that all parts are oriented exactly as shown in the drawings.
How to Unpack the Box
To make assembly as easy as possible, we have divided the assembly process into three stages. The parts needed for each stage are found in indi- vidual bags. Important: Wait until you begin each stage to open the parts bag for that stage. Place all parts of the leg press accessory in a cleared area and remove the packing materials. Do not dis- pose of the packing materials until assembly is com- pleted.
Make sure you have the following tools:
• Two adjustable wrenches
• One rubber mallet
•You will also need grease or petroleum jelly, a small amount of soapy water, and clear tape or masking tape.
Note: Assembly will be more convenient if you have a socket set, a set of
How to Identify Parts
To help you identify the small parts used in assembly, we have included a PART IDENTIFICATION CHART on page 4. Use the chart to easily identify parts dur- ing each assembly step. Note: Some small parts may have been
Select a Location
Because of its weight and size, the leg press acces- sory should be assembled in the location where it will be used. Make sure that there is enough room to walk around the training system as you assemble it.
Tightening Parts
Tighten all parts as you assemble them, unless instructed to do otherwise.
If you have questions after reading the assembly instructions, please call our Customer Service Department