3 Wizard pages | Configuration process |
NOTE: The numbers in the previous table are bps (bits per second). You may have seen large numbers abbreviated as Kbps (1,000 bps) or Mbps (1,000,000 bps).
The BSGX4e likely requires a change of values, given that this model is commonly used with DSL and cable modems. Bandwidth for DSL and cable can vary widely with various location and network factors. And, service providers may offer different bandwidth rates for different prices.
Compare the upstream and downstream default rates on this page to the bandwidth rates your service provider quoted to you. If there are significant differences, use the quoted rates. If you use the quoted rates, you may want to calculate a new value in the QoS Groups section, as explained below.
Fill in the page fields as follows.
zUpstream QoS
Compare the Upstream QoS default value on the page to the upstream rate your service provider quoted to you. If there is a significant differences, enter the quoted rate in the Max Bandwidth field.
QoS performs best with the most accurate upstream link rate value, so you may want to run bandwidth speed tests to determine your actual rate. For the best results, perform the test several times over different days and average the results. You can use the following popular test sites.
zDownstream QoS
Link Rate – As with the upstream rate, compare the default value on the page to the downstream rate quoted by your service provider. If there are significant differences, use the quoted rates. The accuracy of the downstream link rate is not as critical as for the upstream rate.
Encapsulation – Encapsulation is the network process of adding header information to data packets for transporting and routing across the Internet. Encapsulation makes the packets larger thereby consuming more bandwidth. The BSGX4e needs to know the encapsulation type for its internal calculations involving bandwidth.
The encapsulation field does not have a default value. You must select the value that matches the WAN selection from Step 4:
1.If you chose PPPoE in Step 4, select PPPoE from the
2.If you chose DHCP Client or Static IP in Step 4, select ethernet here.
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