Picture Editing

Add Decorations

Tap Kto add a decoration.

Tap the decoration type control to choose one of 14 decorations.

Tap the decoration size control to choose the size of the decoration. When fis selected for the decoration type, f(day, month, year) and S (day, month, year, time) options are available.

Add a Frame

Tap Lto add a frame around the picture.

Tap Bor Cto display seven different frames one at a time. Tap Ito select a frame.

Decoration type

Decoration size

Pictures Editing

BNotes on Shooting Date Decoration

When the shooting date decoration is added to pictures taken at an Image mode setting (A 48) of O640×480, the shooting date may be difficult to read. Set Image mode to N1024×768 or larger with shooting and select 3 M to save the picture with the shooting date decoration.

The date added with the shooting date decoration uses the format selected in the setup menu’s Date item (A 141).

The date and time added with the shooting date decoration are the date and time at which the picture was taken. These cannot be changed.

DMore Information

See “Image/Sound File and Folder Names” (A 162) for more information.